Sunday, May 31, 2009
Citizen Grand Jury
This guy is far from articulate, he obviously is not running for any office, but he pointed out how we have lost our way, how we have given up control, and how we can take back our country, how "We The People" have absolute power.
You can do one or all of three things. Pass this on, join, or just read this and eat your donut.
American Grand Jury Slams Another Indictment on Obama
Posted by Bob in American Grand Jury, Indictment, Press Release on May 30th, 2009
Status: ONLINE and State Grand Juries:
April 29th concluded, Indictment handed down
May 9th concluded, Indictment handed down
May 16h concluded, Indictment handed down
May 23rd concluded, Indictment handed down
May 30th concluded, Indictment handed down
Lone Star State GJ Texas concluded, Indictment handed down
Arkansas State GJ concluded, Indictment handed down
Upcoming June schedule:
June 6th, registered and filled
Tennesee Grand Jury, registered, a couple of openings, almost ready to go
June SUPER Grand Jury, HUGE — details private at this time — completely registered and filled
It looks like AKA is having problems with his public announcement system again. In an attempt to quell the rising tide of anger and disgust from citizens wanting to know where’s the proof of Obama’s “natural born” citizenship, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs’ recent response to a question on the President’s birth certificate tried to laugh it off. Well, it is no laughing matter and now a FoxNews discussion is having a field day with the comments section. It looks like AKA is getting closer and closer to pucker time!
The RightSideofLife has the full story here. The details include responses from Dr. Ron Polarik and Attorney Mario Apuzzo. This article covers most of the well known facts and details surrounding the alleged guilt of Barack Obama.
We at American Grand Jury hear what the people are saying and have charged Obama with “presentments” of guilt. On Satruday, May 30th at 2:30 pm, the convened Grand Jury handed down the YES votes of 31 members, unanimous, to INDICT Barack Obama with the “presentments” of Fraud and Treason.
The May 30th voting has been formally attested to and verified. The “presentments” will be reduced to writing within the next few days for distribution to the court system throughout the land. To date, American Grand Jury has sponsored approximately 70 serves on different courts, sheriffs, Districk Attoneys, Attorney Generals, judges and other officials around the United States. The word is spreading that we mean business and are not going to stop with these presentments until the Court system does their job of formally prosecuting Obama.
The people of the United States have the right to know who this man really is that is living in the White House. Right now it looks like AKA is a Foreign National “play-acting” as the Commander-in-Chief and President. Obama contiunes to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars with legal firms to hide his birth certificate, passport records, school records, selective service records, campaign contribution records and God knows what else.
You know what they say, “the bigger they are, the harder they fall.”
Thanks for stopping by,
Bob Campbell
American Grand Jury
If you have a couple of hours check this particular website by Dr. Polarik PHD who spent 4 months examining the COLB posted by, as we now know thanks to Gibbs, Obama. Dr. Polarik has over twenty years in the field of computer graphics and related industries.
For that reason he is indicted for fraud. Other charges will be forthcoming once discovery is ordered and a full investigation is conducted.
I would also point out to the people from whom I will get comments of "sore loser" and a like. John McCain was and is not eligible either, god how did we get here?
Friday, May 29, 2009
This is Outrageous
This is appalling. This is the address;
President of HOA
8550 Fair Oaks XING
Dallas, TX 75243
Phone: (972) 777-4218 Read the whole story here Patriotism shouldn't be this sticky
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
I Just Had to Post This......
And yes I did go to the Illinois lottery website on my own and saw that these numbers did in fact come out on the 5th of November 2008.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
American Grand Jury's Latest Indictments
Posted by Bob in American Grand Jury, Grand Jury, Indictment, Press Release on May 24, 2009
By the late 1800s, many communities across the country had begun to celebrate Memorial Day and, after World War I, observances also began to honor those who had died in all of America’s wars.
In 1971, Congress declared Memorial Day a national holiday to be celebrated the last Monday in May.
Today, Memorial Day is celebrated at Arlington National Cemetery with a ceremony in which a small American flag is placed on each grave.
About 5,000 people attend the ceremony annually.
The above history excerpt is provided from the website:
Obama and Biden showed up at Arlington to lay the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Obama also made an appearance at the 2009 US Naval Academy Graduation this past week. John McCain’s son gave Obama a hug as he received his graduation certificate.
On May 23rd, 2009, the American Grand Jury showed up to indict Obama by handing down presentments. The vote was unanimous. Twenty-seven (27) Jury members attested to the final charges:
That Obama is NOT eligible under the laws of the Constitution of the United States as provided for in Article II, Section 1.
“No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President..”
The charge of “Treason” against Obama is before the people of the United States of America. That such complaint is CRIMINAL, of high crimes, and extremely damaging against the people.
The formal complaint of “Treason” has been lodged against Barack Obama by Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick III, Unites States Navy, RET. The complaint has been duly served upon a United States District Attorney.
Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick III is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy, Class of 1975.
Excerpt from Fitzpatrick’s charge:
We come now to this reckoning. I accuse you and your military-political criminal assistants of TREASON. I name you and your military criminal associates as traitors. Your criminal ascension manifests a clear and present danger. You fundamentally changed our form of government. The Constitution no longer works.
Confident holding your silent agreement and admission, I identify you as a foreign born domestic enemy. My sworn duty Mr. Obama is to stand against what you stand for. You are not my president. You are not my commander in chief.
If you think for one minute we at American Grand Jury and other national movements are not getting to the psyche of Barry Obama think again? This man is still campaigning and telling us how greatly he is concerned about our welfare, security and American heritage. In fact, Barack Obama mocks and laughs at our heritage and all the men and women who have fallen defending our Nation. Is he the “real” Commander-in-Chief or simply “play acting” as the biggest imposter to ever grace the history of our Nation?
This is what Rush Limbaugh had to say about Obama and Memorial Day:
“Monday is Memorial Day, folks. It’s also 40 days from Obama’s birthday. 40 days and 40 nights until we celebrate the birth of The Messiah.”
We at American Grand Jury are still asking the presumed president to stand up, become a man and quit hiding. Before you Mr. Obama are the charges of Eligibility and Treason. You speak of honor and integrity to the our fighting men yet you hide the truth from them as no president has ever done before.
Memorial Day is a day we honor ALL Americans who wore our country’s uniform in defense of her flag, people and Constitution. Without you our Country would have perished long ago. For those of you that think we as a Nation can survive in a world of aggression and terrorism without the American military are sadly mistaken. No nation in the history of the world has ever survived without the sacrifice and allegiance of an armed military.
American Grand Jury wishes to salute you, the American fighting men and women who died for all of us. We give thanks to you and say prayers for all of your families that have suffered as result of your ultimate sacrifice for our Great Nation.
God Bless our fallen Heroes
God Bless the United States of America
Relevant posts;
Interview With Bob Campbell of American Grand Jury
Indictments Continue to be Handed Down For Obama
The Huge State of Rhode Island
Grand Jury Indicts President Obama
More US News From Abraod
A Second Grand Jury Indicts The President
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Interview With Bob Campbell of American Grand Jury
What is the grand jury movement?
American Grand Jury is really a Constitutional movement. We endeavor to teach people about our Constitutional rights, first and foremost. Amendment 1: the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances -- Amendment 5: No person shall be held to answer for any capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury.
What are the procedures and goals?
We are a real Grand Jury. We have rules and procedures. You must first sign an Oath of Office. This is important. It makes people aware that they are swearing to do their job as an impartial jury member. A person cannot serve without submitting this Oath. (see link below).. Our juries are organized and focused. We have evidence within a secure website that people can study, review and research. The website is quite extensive and takes 7 to 10 hours of computer time to actually go through all of the documentation. Every article of evidence has a review survey at the end for members to take. On the average a jury of 25 will submit and respond around 450 to 500 times on the surveys (approx 25 members times 20 surveys)
The jury foreman moderates the event. The private website is open one week in advance for study and review. At the end of the week we have a final vote on the charges. During the week of review the Jury Foreman will answer questions from members. By final voting day these members are prepared and they KNOW exactly what they are voting on. Before the members can make the final vote they must answer a couple of pre-voting questions. If they answer in the negative they are disqualified because they did not learn the evidence. We have not had to disqualify anyone yet.
How many grand juries have started – or finished – their work? And where are they?
We have convened and concluded 5 Grand Juries so far: April 29th, May 9th, May16th for American Grand Juries.. we have sponsored 2 State Grand Juries so far: The Lone Star Grand Jury of May 12th and the Arkansas Grand Jury of May 16th. All of these juries follow the SAME American Grand Jury rules and procedures. We have a May 23rd jury in session right now. May 30th and June 6th are scheduled. We expect to sponsor 5 to 6 more State Grand Juries in the next 30 days.
What does it mean to generate an indictment, presentment, or charge from these grand juries?
A Constitutional Grand Jury actually hands down “presentments.” That is the correct term. Indictment is a proper term for a court or judicial Grand Jury to use. Presentments are charges. Then the Jury reduces those charges to writing it would be called “handing down the presentments.” Presentments or charges must be voted on by the jury to become a “true bill” or not. A constitutional
Grand Jury was historically around 23 members. 25 members seem to be a good number when including a Jury Foreman and Alternate foreman. However, this number is not a rule locked in Stone. But in general you need a quorum of 16 and a vote of 12 (saying “yea”) to hand down the presentments. Most American Grand Juries are 25 or more members. Arkansas was smaller at 18 but it was a “live” Grand Jury, not an online Jury.
What do you say to those people who say these efforts don't mean anything?
I would say they do not understand the Constitution so these people would probably say that “Freedom of Speech and Assembly” means nothing to them either. Of course any time you assemble real people to conduct a hearing such as Grand Jury there are those that are afraid we would speak the truth so they in fact will deny we are effective or our actions mean nothing. I would say to those people who are against us and who support a government of deception and
dishonesty that probably your last election vote didn’t mean anything either.
Are there other coordinated efforts to assemble grand juries?
American Grand Jury is the largest coordinated effort. There are a few independent State Grand Juries out there that have convened and are doing a good job. We encourage any group to assemble and act. We offer to help any group that wants to convene a Jury as long as their intentions are honorable and focused. We stay away from right or left wing movements. We are basically a conservative group of members. We never get into politics here. We are about
bringing corrupt government to justice.
What is the crux of the accusations being assembled, and what evidence supports that?
I have attached the last “presentments” from the May 16th jury for you to review. I offer this as reference material. You will see these presentments are written to be logical and make sense to the average person. A couple of times in the presentments we quoted others (Apuzzo and Donofrio).. it was simply these people said it more eloquently than I could have. The Treason charges are
directly from Lt. Commander Fitzpatrick’s criminal complaint. THIS TREASON complaint is serious stuff and is now becoming quite viral on the Internet. Bottom line, soon or later Obama will have to answer to this serious charge. The Eligibility charge is the 64 million dollar question everyone wants to know. These TWO Counts are the only charges we make in our presentments but THEY ARE MAJOR. We focus on these two charges, nothing more.
What is the expected outcome? Are there those who believe a trial should result. Or is this basically to raise awareness and generate public interest in the issues?
BOTH. Sooner or later some court or many courts will FORMALLY indict Obama from our Presentments or Fitzpatrick’s complaint. Our goal is to convene and conclude 12 to 13 Grand Juries before July 4th rolls around and to serve our presentments as much as 200 times with courts, sheriffs, prosecutors, judges or legislators across the land. If that doesn’t get the results we will try and double and triple these numbers. The pressure is mounting and someday justice will be served or the Country will probably explode from loss of faith in our Constitution.
Are there historic precedents for this type of grand jury?
Yes, many. I would suggest reading this essay by Donofrio. Donofrio is a
strange dude and today says we are all crazy. He claims his Quo Warranto is the
only way to remove Obama. He is wrong. He gave us this most beautifully
written essay on the Grand Jury. It is really a masterpiece. I won’t say much
more as I feel sorry for the guy. His mind is all screwed up. Attorneys do that to
themselves.. LOL
Who is doing the organizing?
I spend 15 hours a day on the computer answering from the 25 to 40 inquiries a day we receive from people wanting to get involved. We sign up around 5 to 8 day on the average, about 120 to 150 members a month. It is very busy around here. I have a small group (5 to 8) of warriors that think and believe. We run the show but we encourage everyone to step up and get more involved after they get out of jury duty. It is the same old 30% rule. 70% set on their ass and 30% get the job
done. My favorite saying: During the American Revolution 70% of the people were either loyal to the King or apathetic. The other 30% founded a Nation. Do you suppose the patriotic 30% in America can get rid of Obama? The answer is YES, they can!
What does the law say about these procedures, and what do prosecutors and judges say?
We are the 4th Branch of Government.. they are the Judiciary. Here at American Grand Jury I would imagine that attorneys and judges think we are nuts. But if you shake it down, I would say that most Americans think these liberal attorneys and judges are downright criminal.. LOL
Would we like to see more attorneys with integrity and credibility truly give credence to the Constitution and offer good suggestions on how to get the courts to act?
The answer is yes! Will they – I would say NO! Attorneys and Judges do not want the average person questioning how they dictate the system that keeps them in power. We are in a sad state of affairs here in the United States because many officials in power could care less about the rights of the people. It is all about money and power. Will we give up because the deck is stacked against us… NO! Will we prevail? The answer is we had better or the United States of America as we know
it will soon be nothing more than a thing of the past. The Founding Fathers were brilliant in how they put the Constitution together. It was truly God inspired. I choose to believe there are enough people out there that want to save our Republic and maintain the USA as the true beacon of light and freedom that she so truly is.
God Bless,
Presentments May16
Relevant posts;
Indictments Continue to be Handed Down For Obama
The Huge State of Rhode Island
Grand Jury Indicts President Obama
More US News From Abraod
A Second Grand Jury Indicts The President
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Indictments Continue to be Handed Down For Obama
Posted by Bob in American Grand Jury, Arkansas Grand Jury on May 18, 2009

The Arkansas State Grand Jury made BIG news this weekend. Using the American Grand Jury evidence this jury took the process one step further. They convened a “live” hearing with 18 members, studied the testimony and evidence, deliberated the charges and put it to a vote. The hearing lasted for approximately 4 hours and the tally was unanimous: All 18 jury members voted to indict Obama.

Just a few hours earlier, at approximately 2:30 PM EST, the May 16th American Grand Jury handed down its indictment of “Fraud and Treason” against our presumed president, Barack Hussein Obama. There were 25 votes on this Jury that said YES!
The following criminal allegations and complaints were voted upon:
That Obama is NOT eligible under the laws of the Constitution of the United States as provided for in Article II, Section 1.
“No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President..”
The charge of “Treason” against Obama is before the people of the United States of America. That such complaint is CRIMINAL, of high crimes, and extremely damaging against the people.
All and all, this was a big day. It was double trouble for Obama.
The momentum is growing. American Grand Jury, Texas, and Arkansas combined now have 5 Grand Jury indictments against Obama in approximately 3 weeks time. We are just now starting to see those indictments filter across the land in the form of serves with sheriffs, courts and legislators.
We are not fooling ourselves; we know it is going to take many more Grand Juries and possibly 100’s filings to get the job done. Sooner or later the court system is going to be inundated with “presentments” against Obama. Sooner or later public sentiment is going to demand these courts act and force Obama to answer to the charges.
The good news is that many people are responding to the American Grand Jury movement and are willing to serve. We have two more juries still scheduled for May. The first one is full and the last one is getting there. In fact we are already starting to register members for the first couple of dates in June.
Many people are wondering about the math. Okay, here is what American Grand Jury is going to do. Convene a minimum of 10 juries before the 4th of July. Hand down indictments from these Grand Juries and in turn file a minimum of 20 filings per jury. That would be 200 indictments filed against Obama just in time for our Nation’s birthday.
We may be able to do more, but we need your participation.
If you really want to be part of this movement and ultimately get rid of Obama, then becoming an American Grand Jury member is the best way to take action. Click the link below and send us a message. You will receive an information letter by auto-response telling you how to get started.

For those of you out there that don’t think our goal is possible, just remember this:
During the American Revolution 70% of the citizens were loyal to the King or were apathetic and did nothing. The other 30% founded a Nation.
If you think we don’t have enough patriots in this country to remove the usurper from office, think again!
Thanks again to the American and the Arkansas State Grand Juries. GREAT JOBS! Now let’t get busy and and get these indictments served.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
The Huge State of Rhode Island
Posted by Bob in Press Release, Rhode Island Grand Jury on May 15th, 2009
When Lee C. Greenwood sings “God Bless the USA” those words can bring tears to your eyes. Not too distant in the future Americans will gather during the 4th of July and celebrate the birth of our Nation. Will this year be one of celebration or one of turmoil?
With the election of Barack Obama the most unpatriotic events are now commonplace. The “man who hates America” is now a household phrase. The man that was going to unite America is now the man who wishes to unite people under a brand of socialism that would silence the American patriot once and for all.
We have people cheering him. They patiently wait for their leader to rain gifts of love on them while redistributing wealth that was never theirs in the first place. To these folks, government is a blessing, an inspiration and the easy way out. “Why fight for freedom” they say, “why not get something for nothing instead.”
During the American Revolution 70% of the people were either loyal to the King, apathetic or just plain fence sitters. The other 30% founded a Nation. Do you suppose the patriotic 30% in America can get rid of Obama. The answer is YES, they can!
I want to introduce you to one patriotic American that still believes in Old Glory, God and family. His name is Mike Mandeville. Mike is a simple person, a military veteran, a citizen of Rhode Island and the most inspirational person I have spoken to in a long while.
Mike came to American Grand Jury with a simple idea. Why not form a Grand Jury right inside a Rhode Island courthouse, have a Judge swear the members in and proceed to deliberate the charges before them? Well it is no longer a simple idea. It is now heading toward reality. This week the smallest State in the Nation may be the first to take the power of the Constitutional Grand Jury directly to the judicial court system.
What Mike started is truly an act of passion and love for his Country. All the people at American Grand Jury wish to give Mike a grand old American “hat tip.”
Mike says, “Bob we are not done. I can see more Grand Juries forming, I can see my friends and neighbors in Connecticut and Massachusetts following suit.” Mike, all I can say is, “God Bless you and God Bless the Great State of Rhode Island.”
Our friend Phil over at the Right Side of Life just did a wonderful front-page story on this. Please visit and read the details more fully.
For those of you that want to offer help and encouragement to Mike, by all means, take a few moments of your time to write Mike and tell him how much you appreciate his efforts to save our Country.
You can write Mike at this address:
Thank you Mike — please keep us informed. We are all hoping that Rhode Island, the smallest State in the Nation, may just carry the biggest sword!
For those of you are not in Rhode Island we have ONLINE American Grand Juries forming in many other States — We have the biggest need for online members to serve in CA, CO, MO, PA, AZ, MI, IL, CT, FL and TN right now. When you write us PLEASE tell us which State you are from.
Our National Online Grand Juries are scheduling members every day.
Click the email button below to get started. Serving on an American Grand Jury is free, patriotic and decisive.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Texas Grand Jury Hands Down Indictments For Obama
Posted by Bob in Lone Star Grand Jury, Press Release on May 13, 2009
May 12th, 7:00 PM
The Lone Star Grand Jury
35 Texas Citizens
The indictment: Fraud and Treason
There was never a hint of indecision when this group of concerned citizens got together in Texas and decided to go to work. In their minds “the man who hates America” needed to be indicted and the sooner the better. The jury spent a week reviewing and contemplating the evidence but the vote was swift and decisive. All 35 members raised their hands and said, “we want this man tried in court and we are now looking to the Great State of Texas to bring that justice to our citizens.”
Barack Obama, aka: Barry Soetoro and Barack Hussein Obama was indicted by the Lone Star Jury of Texas on two counts: Fraud and Treason. It is now up to court system in the State Texas to formally prosecute our “presumed” President. Will Texas take the lead and do exactly what their citizens want? Only time will tell but you can believe this, time is not on the side of Obama. People are mad and they want action now.
Many of you might stare in awe that those charges, FRAUD and TREASON. How can that be you will say? It is simple. Obama, after months of running from lawsuits, telling people he is above the law, and shoving arrogance down our throats has hit a brick wall when it comes to refuting these charges. In fact, the “presumed” President has done nothing and said nothing. He acts like the people don’t care or the Constitution doesn’t matter. That is a very precarious position to take when you are the Commander-in-Chief and you expect men and women to follow your orders when in fact many in our military are silently questioning just who this guy really is. Is he in fact a “natural born” citizen who pledges his allegiance totally to this Country or is he really a foreign National who would circumvent our security in order to help our enemies and countries that want to bury us?
Do you think I am just one person letting off steam about Obama? Folks, you need to think again. There are hundreds of thousands of people in this country crying foul right now. Today I got a message from Gerry Donaldson who is part of Resistnet, one of largest patriotic organizations in America. Gerry told me point blank, that the State of Texas is ready to stand up and get the job done. He says their organization is going to drill down to every town and county in Texas within the next few months and move heaven and earth to go after corrupt government. I believe him. He also told me that the Grand Jury is the tool they plan to use in a big way!
Yesterday a group of 300 people met in Rhode Island to get a first hand look at the American Grand Jury presentments handed down on April 29th against Obama. The people were excited and giving praise to the wisdom of our Founding Fathers. This group has some pretty strong ties to the powers that be in Rhode Island. We will know in a few days, but we are hoping the leadership in Rhode Island gets onboard with what is soon to be the greatest Constitutional movement to hit this country since the American Revolution.
Today, we give praise to the State of Texas for taking the lead in this historic indictment. Tomorrow we will look to each and every State in this Nation to stand up and say once and for all, “we the people own this Country, not the corrupt politicians who reside in Washington.”
Sounds kind of patriotic and corny doesn’t it? I love it folks. There is nothing wrong with being patriotic and loving your Country. That kind of thinking founded the Greatest Nation on Earth. The same kind of thinking will save it!
God Bless the State of Texas
God Bless the United States of America
Bob Campbell
American Grand Jury
Relevant posts;
Grand Jury Indicts President Obama
More US News From Abraod
A Second Grand Jury Indicts The President
The Grand Jury Process
Monday, May 11, 2009
The Grand Jury Process
Our framers were fearful of a runaway government and were careful to include a mechanism for the people to redress grievances of government. This is the primary purpose of the grand jury.
I bring this up because many people, including judges, lawyers, prosecutors, and politicians believe that the grand jury is a function of government. That could not be father from the truth. The grand jury is a right, and responsibility of the people granted and charged by the constitution and has a history that is as old as the document that the grand jury and our country was founded by.
I have been following the American Grand Jury's effort and have published their press releases. I have received emails and comments describing this effort as tin foil hat wearing wingnuts. So I thought I would try to curb the ignorance that is so prevelent so as to soften the blow when the OMG moment occurs.
Reference articles;
There are many many more.....We The People ARE the government and we need to educate ourselves. I am ashamed to say that until this election cycle I did not understand our election process completely, our eligibility requirements, and a host of other items that I now understand. Shame on me and you if you don't understand how our government is supposed to work and what we the people have to do with it. I am 53 years old and have voted in all elections that I was eligible to vote in. But all I did was vote. While that might be more than most is was not enough because I wasn't informed. I betrayed my fellow Americans by casting uninformed votes. It is hard for me to admit that but after my education of the last year or so I can come to no other conclusion.
You may disagree with me, or you may agree, but I emplore you to research all you can and be informed as much as you can before you pull another lever.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
A Second Grand Jury Indicts The President
(United States of America) – May 9th 2009 - At 2 P.M, ET American Grand Jury convened a final hearing to vote on criminal charges against Barack Obama.
The following criminal allegations and complaints were voted upon:
That Obama is NOT eligible under the laws of the Constitution of the United States as provided for in Article II, Section 1.
Said Article II, Section 1 states:
“No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.”
Wherefore, Obama is not a “natural born Citizen” for the following reasons:
The charge of “Treason” against Obama is before the people of the United States of America. That such complaint is CRIMINAL, of high crimes, and extremely damaging against the people.
Said complaint was formally brought by a Military Officer (retired) of the United States of America. All United States Military Officers are sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States and such complaint is valid, explicit and proper; when an Officer is aware of such malfeasance of Treason by an offender it is that Officer’s SWORN duty to come forward and present such accusation and complaint;
The Military Officer who filed the complaint is Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick, III, retired, United States Navy and a graduate of the United States Naval Academy;
Lt. Commander Fitzpatrick on March 17, 2009 did hereby make such criminal accusation and complaint against Obama and presented said complaint before the U.S Attorney Russell Dedrick, and Assistant U.S. Attorney Edward Schmutzer, Eastern District, Tennessee;
An original photocopy of said complaint was submitted to the Grand Jury as evidence for immediate investigation;
Said original photocopy of the complete criminal complaint is attached as Exhibit “A” hereto and made a part hereof;
Lt. Commander Fitzpatrick was sworn under oath before the Grand Jury to testify as to the true nature and details regarding said criminal complaint filed against Obama;
Said criminal complaint by Lt. Commander Fitzpatrick and his “accusation of Treason” is quoted in the excerpts below:
Now you [Obama] have broken in and entered the White House by force of contrivance, concealment, conceit, dissembling, and deceit. Posing as an impostor president and commander in chief you have stripped civilian command and control over the military establishment. Known military criminal actors-command racketeers-are now free in the exercise of military government intent upon destruction of America’s constitutional government.
We come now to this reckoning. I accuse you and your military-political criminal assistants of TREASON. I name you and your military criminal associates as traitors. Your criminal ascension manifests a clear and present danger. You fundamentally changed our form of government. The Constitution no longer works.
Confident holding your silent agreement and admission, I identify you as a foreign born domestic enemy.
My sworn duty Mr. Obama is to stand against what you stand for. You are not my president. You are not my commander in chief.
After reviewing the evidence and voting, the 25 member American Grand Jury handed down the presentment(s) recommending that person(s) known as Barack Obama, aka: Barack Obama, Jr., aka: Barack Hussein Obama, aka: Barry Soetoro; aka: Barry Obama; aka: Barack H. Obama, aka: Barack Obama II, presumed President of the United States, be tried in Criminal Court for charges of fraud (eligibility) and treason.
Said Grand Jury was convened under the power and authority vested with the people as guaranteed under the Constitution of the United States of America, Amendent 5 of the Bill of Rights.
The American Grand Jury was served by people from different States within the Union, said people being citizens as were sworn under Oath as to Eligibility for and Service in behalf of the Grand Jury.
The above excerpts from the formal presentments of the May 9th American Grand Jury hearing are hereby released to the public as a PRESS RELEASE. All other details of the Grand Jury hearing, specifically, the jury membership, sworn affidavits of service, testimony, evidence, hearing minutes and records have been sealed as required by law.
This Grand Jury hearing of May 9th is in addition to the formal presentments, (charges of Fraud and Treason) which were handed down against Barack Obama last week, known as the American Grand Jury hearing of April 29th, 2009. The April 29th presentments are already making their way into the court systems across the United States.
Please contact American Grand Jury through this website or contact our National Spokesperson below for further information or requests:
Sam Sewell,
National Spokesperson for American Grand Jury
Fax (239) 591-1987
Phone: Clinic Office – (239) 591-4565
Ask for Dr. Sam
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Go Get a Kleenex
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Military Police at The Kentucky Derby?
Military Police at The Kentucky Derby
PS Boycott Google
More US News From Abraod
Grand Jury: Indict Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama (part I)
Grand Jury: Indict Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama (part II)
God bless Russian Media!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
The Hidden Adgenda
Mr. McCarthy respectfully declines
Friday, May 1, 2009
Grand Jury Indicts President Obama
(United States of America) – April 29th 2009 - At 8 P.M, ET American Grand Jury convened and conducted a hearing with regard to CRIMINAL activity, complaints and allegations presented before said Jury.
After reviewing the evidence and voting, the 32 member American Grand Jury handed down the presentment(s) recommending that person(s) known as Barack Obama, aka: Barack Obama, Jr., aka: Barack Hussein Obama, aka: Barry Soetoro; aka: Barry Obama; aka: Barack H. Obama, aka: Barack Obama II, presumed President of the United States, be tried in Criminal Court for charges of fraud (eligibility) and treason.
Said Grand Jury was convened under the power and authority vested with the people as guaranteed under the Constitution of the United States of America, Amendent 5 of the Bill of Rights.
The American Grand Jury was served by people from different States within the Union, said people being citizens as were sworn under Oath as to Eligibility for and Service in behalf of the Grand Jury:
The American Grand Jury used established public evidence and testimony recognized by expert witnesses with a long professional history of forensic experience in handing down the presentment(s).
Caveat: Grand Jury hearings are secret and all proceedings will remain confidential until released by the courts.
Nation Grand Jury Indicts Obama for Fraud and Treason
Pass far and wide!