I read this story at Atlas Shrugs and from where Pamela got it from here YID With LID, and wasn't too alarmed until I went back to Atlas Shrugs and she had an update. She received a warning of a certificate to be installed and curiously clicked on "View Certificate" and below is what she got. This is most disturbing. Click on the image to read what the purpose of the certificate is for.
Couple that with this Glen Beck video of a few weeks ago.
And the official spokes person Gibb is speechless about how people all of sudden are receiving unsolicited emails.
Now you can see if you already have one of these certificates installed on your computer.
IE users go to "Tools" "Internet Options" "Content" and then choose "Intermediate Certification Authorities"
FireFox users go to "Tools" "Options" "Advanced" and then choose "View Certificates"
Update: WND is also covering the story and has a view of the "Cookies" the whitehouse.gov are also installing.
It would be nice if you find one to report back here with a comment.
Re-Elect "NOBODY"
The Prepper President for the Motherland
2 hours ago
I am passing this comment on.
ReplyDeleteWhat are you saying, that whitehouse.gov is putting a certificate on your computer to ensure the identity of YOUR computer?
Uh,uh. No. All a certificate does is ensure the identity of the SERVER computer. In this case, it guarantees that when you are connecting to whitehouse.gov, it really is "whitehouse.gov", and not some man-in-the-middle ... Read Moretype of redirection. Certificates are often used when setting up secure (https) connections, and they are generally safe. Basically, they're a "magic word" that only the intended server should know, so that you can be sure that you're really connecting to the right server.
Of course if there was a trust in our government blog post like this would not be appearing.